EO points

V. Jumping M+Time limit : 39.01

Pos. St. Handler Dog Time Size F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Pt

V. Jumping LTime limit : 39.01

Pos. St. Handler Dog Time Size F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Pt
1 95 Kárpáti Dalma Fire Inspired The World is Mine "Yelle" L 37.01 0 0 0.00 0.00 24
2 91 Naggyőr Dalma Vital Balance Amazon "Pille" L 37.17 0 0 0.00 0.00 20
3 125 Richter-Sallay Zsófia Lexgryfe Ríra "Ríra" L 37.73 0 0 0.00 0.00 17
4 118 Traj Tamas Riu "Riu" L 37.97 0 0 0.00 0.00 14
5 70 Juhász Gábor Chicago Von Malihattan "Keen" L 38.20 0 0 0.00 0.00 12
6 120 Tóth Ágnes Fire Inspired Smouldering Sunset "Sun" L 38.37 0 0 0.00 0.00 10
7 92 Nagy Dalma Beam Jim Bohemia Grant "Mabon" L 38.39 0 0 0.00 0.00 9
8 110 Rády Rebeka Fire Inspired Amazing "Mius" L 38.40 0 0 0.00 0.00 8
9 128 Ádám-Bökényi Bernadett Choose Ferencik "Osis" L 38.55 0 0 0.00 0.00 7
10 97 Bakos Zoltán Bözsi "Bözsi" L 38.95 0 0 0.00 0.00 6
11 93 Kádár Kitti Kasmir Bergerac de Hu "Niobe" L 41.03 0 0 2.02 2.02 5
12 117 Szokol Lilla Perfect Sense Cranberry "Cassidy" L 41.12 0 0 2.11 2.11 4
13 99 Zana Szilvia Highland Breezes Diamond Rose "Zora" L 41.52 0 0 2.51 2.51 3
14 116 Hámori Péter Füli "Füli" L 41.54 0 0 2.53 2.53 2
15 112 Bartalis Viktória Happy "Happy" L 42.24 0 0 3.23 3.23 1
16 68 Somogyvári Márta Poseidon Elfmagic Cyclone "Rhea" L 39.04 1 0 0.03 5.03 0
17 100 Fazekas Ágnes Terreur-Masquée Celestina "Barrique" L 44.16 0 0 5.15 5.15 0
18 124 Bögre András Pitta "Pitta" L 44.28 0 0 5.27 5.27 0
19 109 Veizer Andrea Mi Sombra It's My Morning Star "Grit" L 44.65 0 0 5.64 5.64 0
20 101 Híves Dorottya Wixtra The Wind Waker "Rhiannon" L 39.67 0 1 0.66 5.66 0
21 98 Németh Anna Lila Con Maige "Lana" L 41.05 0 1 2.04 7.04 0
22 83 Csermely Gábor Ussona Bohemia Alké "Corti" L 41.12 0 1 2.11 7.11 0
23 105 Vágó Judit Oksza Wena Istnienia "Ory" L 41.48 0 1 2.47 7.47 0
24 90 Balogh-Nagy Réka Beck's Hill My Dream Is Yours "Cinna" L 43.55 0 1 4.54 9.54 0
25 96 Kiss Anna Noonbarra Elmo "Elmo" L 43.81 0 1 4.80 9.80 0
26 127 Holti Krisztina Firework Hill Be Like Onix "Onix" L 44.81 0 1 5.80 10.80 0
27 82 Káli Anita Nirvana at Wendigos Wind "Nash" L 39.83 2 0 0.82 10.82 0
28 88 Tálas Andrea Wixtra Twilight Princess "Arya" L 39.92 2 0 0.91 10.91 0
29 81 Szilágyi Anita Infinity Light Live By Heart "Tengo" L 41.49 1 1 2.48 12.48 0
30 87 Kovács László Dózsafalvi Alíz "Ziva" L 42.77 2 0 3.76 13.76 0
31 104 Bihari-Vikor Veronika Extraordinary at Brainiac Borders "Duncan" L 48.34 0 1 9.33 14.33 0
32 65 Lukács Hella Shelley "Shelley" L 39.30 3 0 0.29 15.29 0
33 113 Ádám József Áfonya of the Sporty Heroes "Áfi" L 50.58 2 0 11.57 21.57 0
DIS 126 Horváth-Tóth Boglárka Dynamic Drive Icon "Eywa" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 71 Illyés Enikő Love of Scotland Deep in my Heart "Leia" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 111 Füzi Júlia Lucky Summer TNT Cinnamon "Tig" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
NS 79 Biro Zsofi Köves-Bérci Betyár Falat "Kaija" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 107 Kovács Krisztina Nico "Nico" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 72 Bokor Aranka MÁZLI "MÁZLI" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
NS 106 Lapu Tamás Giya Black Runaway's de la Terre Sauvage "Perla" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 75 Wéber Krisztina Mushu "Mushu" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 85 Ádám-Bökényi Bernadett Bellamie aus dem Bergischen "Mí" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 119 Oláh Eszter Morgans Magical Magyars "Naabi" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 102 Dr. Csanálosi Enikő Poseidon Elfmagic First Phoenix "First Phoenix" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 115 Osskó Krisztina Steinhart Stella "Debi" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 123 Káli Anita Poseidon Elfmagic Especial Cube "Cube" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 73 Nagy Veronika Blessed Borders Master Piece "Elf" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 89 Juhászné Szoboszlay Erika Llanfarian Yes "Yes" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 74 Bartalis Viktória Wixtra Expecto Patronum "Annie" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
NS 114 Csík Ildikó Alíz "Alíz" L 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0

V. Jumping MTime limit : 39.01

Pos. St. Handler Dog Time Size F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Pt
1 20 Ács-Kövesi Ágnes Ike Hurricane from Golden Regia "Ike" M 37.35 0 0 0.00 0.00 24
2 35 Fodor Csilla Pallisters Cosmopolitan "Fény" M 38.77 0 0 0.00 0.00 20
3 29 Tompa Krisztina Ico "Ico" M 39.51 0 0 0.50 0.50 17
4 31 Máthé Ágnes Köves-Bérci Betyár Fekete Felhő "Felhő" M 40.42 0 0 1.41 1.41 14
5 33 Jäckl Anikó Questcock Baylee "Baylee" M 41.12 0 0 2.11 2.11 12
6 21 Daróczi Orsi Espresso Piccolo Harisson "JAXX" M 41.59 0 0 2.58 2.58 10
7 1 Tóth Vivien Mixi "Mixi" M 41.93 0 0 2.92 2.92 9
8 15 Havasi Zsolt Bogi "Bogi" M 42.35 0 0 3.34 3.34 8
9 28 Tóth Vivien Béta's Hurricane Balance "Ensley" M 42.42 0 0 3.41 3.41 0
10 26 Bögre András Luca "Luca" M 42.53 0 0 3.52 3.52 0
11 30 Pirity Árpád Devil Black of Sprightliness "Demo" M 43.29 0 0 4.28 4.28 0
12 32 Maros Gergely Happy Shepherds Dance "Dance" M 40.81 0 1 1.80 6.80 0
13 22 Edina Keskeny Köves-bérci Betyár Ejha "Mese" M 41.04 0 1 2.03 7.03 0
14 25 Szabó Adrienne Fernando from Golden Regia "Nando" M 41.42 1 0 2.41 7.41 0
15 36 Burján Árpád Angyali Annie Lime "Pötty" M 47.37 0 0 8.36 8.36 0
16 23 Orbán Ágnes Golden Heart Sparks of the Tempest "Pötty" M 45.44 0 1 6.43 11.43 0
17 24 Sipőcz Barbara Kaley from Golden Regia "Kaley" M 43.39 0 2 4.38 14.38 0
18 27 Szakál Evelin Whirlwind Sasha Regenfield "Sasha" M 41.08 2 1 2.07 17.07 0
19 3 Pirity Árpád Lion Blue of Sprightliness "Leon" M 47.09 0 2 8.08 18.08 0
DIS 7 Magony Nikoletta Kassziopeia from Golden Regia "Kesszi" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 10 Ficzere Csenge Köves-bérci Betyár Ötletes Rozi "Rozi" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 6 Rácz Beáta Tréfi "Tréfi" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 16 Szigeti Niki Lulu "Lulu" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 5 Szappanos Petra Dakar Driver Harisson "Dakar" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 17 Gáti Katalin NAGYIREGI TIESTO "THEO" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 9 Bartha Zsófia Bogár "Bogár" M 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0

V. Jumping STime limit : 39.01

Pos. St. Handler Dog Time Size F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Pt
1 48 Hajagos-Tóth Judit Blueberry Of Black Police Angel's Star "Muffin" S 38.31 0 0 0.00 0.00 24
2 51 László Zsombor Honeybee at Small Swan "Kass" S 39.67 0 0 0.66 0.66 20
3 55 Naggyőr Dalma Rolex in blue of Summergarden "Welle" S 40.10 0 0 1.09 1.09 17
4 58 Molnár Tibor Dorka S 40.98 0 0 1.97 1.97 14
5 45 Varga Éva Geronimo from Golden Regia "Gerka" S 42.11 0 0 3.10 3.10 12
6 42 Tóth Vivien Diamond Starlight Daisy "Kelsi" S 44.56 0 0 5.55 5.55 10
7 44 Orbánné Tóth Ágnes Nyuszi "Nyanya" S 45.20 0 0 6.19 6.19 9
8 47 Biro Zsofi Crispy Cookie Cassovia Sunshine "Scilla" S 46.16 0 0 7.15 7.15 8
9 57 Hazai Anita Bull Brother's Kamikaze "Csipisz" S 48.96 0 0 9.95 9.95 0
10 49 Korcz Nikolett Csöppnyi Sheltie Athéné "Panna" S 41.91 1 1 2.90 12.90 0
11 50 László Réka Prince of Sunlight X'Lyn "Lyn" S 50.90 0 1 11.89 16.89 0
12 53 Wéber Krisztina Stormy Devil's Ariel "Ariel" S 49.64 0 2 10.63 20.63 0
DIS 40 Kovács Ágnes Persy Slovakia Lutra "Mani" S 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 56 Urbán Judit Elfy Black of Sprightliness "Cinke" S 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 54 Ray Brigitta Auricula Sinistra Čáry Máry fuk "Sinistra" S 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 46 Varga Attila Cora Slovakia Lutra "Sonic" S 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0
DIS 52 Farkas Katalin Powder Puff Tiara "Tia" S 0.00 0 0 0.00 50.00 0

Original results

V. Jumping M+ O

Course length : m
Standard time : 54 s
Judge : Veres Zsuzsa
Max time : s
0.00 m/s
Pl. St. Handler Dog Time F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Q. Sp.
1 64 Pataki Natália Ingardia Vitessa "Vini" 46.58 0 2 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
DIS 63 Noficzer Eszter Future Hope Curry "Fly" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis

V. Jumping L O

Course length : m
Standard time : 43 s
Judge : Veres Zsuzsa
Max time : s
0.00 m/s
Pl. St. Handler Dog Time F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Q. Sp.
1 108 Iwona Golab NNL Sayonara "SeeYa" 36.57 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
2 95 Kárpáti Dalma Fire Inspired The World is Mine "Yelle" 37.01 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
3 91 Naggyőr Dalma Vital Balance Amazon "Pille" 37.17 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
4 76 Iwona Golab Shadow of Aire Ovation "Applause" 37.31 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
5 125 Richter-Sallay Zsófia Lexgryfe Ríra "Ríra" 37.73 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
6 118 Traj Tamas Riu "Riu" 37.97 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
7 70 Juhász Gábor Chicago Von Malihattan "Keen" 38.20 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
8 120 Tóth Ágnes Fire Inspired Smouldering Sunset "Sun" 38.37 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
9 92 Nagy Dalma Beam Jim Bohemia Grant "Mabon" 38.39 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
10 110 Rády Rebeka Fire Inspired Amazing "Mius" 38.40 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
11 128 Ádám-Bökényi Bernadett Choose Ferencik "Osis" 38.55 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
12 97 Bakos Zoltán Bözsi "Bözsi" 38.95 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
13 78 Fodor Lili Visszhang Damil "Damil" 40.43 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
14 93 Kádár Kitti Kasmir Bergerac de Hu "Niobe" 41.03 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
15 117 Szokol Lilla Perfect Sense Cranberry "Cassidy" 41.12 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
16 99 Zana Szilvia Highland Breezes Diamond Rose "Zora" 41.52 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
17 116 Hámori Péter Füli "Füli" 41.54 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
18 112 Bartalis Viktória Happy "Happy" 42.24 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
19 100 Fazekas Ágnes Terreur-Masquée Celestina "Barrique" 44.16 0 0 1.16 1.16 v 0.00
20 124 Bögre András Pitta "Pitta" 44.28 0 0 1.28 1.28 v 0.00
21 109 Veizer Andrea Mi Sombra It's My Morning Star "Grit" 44.65 0 0 1.65 1.65 v 0.00
22 80 Mezei Dalma Chilly Wind of Real Shepherds "Menta" 45.21 0 0 2.21 2.21 v 0.00
23 68 Somogyvári Márta Poseidon Elfmagic Cyclone "Rhea" 39.04 1 0 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
24 101 Híves Dorottya Wixtra The Wind Waker "Rhiannon" 39.67 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
25 98 Németh Anna Lila Con Maige "Lana" 41.05 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
26 83 Csermely Gábor Ussona Bohemia Alké "Corti" 41.12 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
27 105 Vágó Judit Oksza Wena Istnienia "Ory" 41.48 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
28 67 Szederkényi Viktória Artemis Avaho "Selina" 41.87 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
29 84 Kovács Emese Tabu "Tabu" 42.23 1 0 0.00 5.00 v 0.00
30 77 Kovács Ágnes Szélvigyázó-Garabonciás Hantás "Lolka" 43.09 0 1 0.09 5.09 v 0.00
31 90 Balogh-Nagy Réka Beck's Hill My Dream Is Yours "Cinna" 43.55 0 1 0.55 5.55 v 0.00
32 96 Kiss Anna Noonbarra Elmo "Elmo" 43.81 0 1 0.81 5.81 v 0.00
33 127 Holti Krisztina Firework Hill Be Like Onix "Onix" 44.81 0 1 1.81 6.81 sg 0.00
34 82 Káli Anita Nirvana at Wendigos Wind "Nash" 39.83 2 0 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
35 88 Tálas Andrea Wixtra Twilight Princess "Arya" 39.92 2 0 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
36 81 Szilágyi Anita Infinity Light Live By Heart "Tengo" 41.49 1 1 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
37 87 Kovács László Dózsafalvi Alíz "Ziva" 42.77 2 0 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
38 104 Bihari-Vikor Veronika Extraordinary at Brainiac Borders "Duncan" 48.34 0 1 5.34 10.34 sg 0.00
39 65 Lukács Hella Shelley "Shelley" 39.30 3 0 0.00 15.00 sg 0.00
40 113 Ádám József Áfonya of the Sporty Heroes "Áfi" 50.58 2 0 7.58 17.58 g 0.00
DIS 71 Illyés Enikő Love of Scotland Deep in my Heart "Leia" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 72 Bokor Aranka MÁZLI "MÁZLI" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 73 Nagy Veronika Blessed Borders Master Piece "Elf" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 74 Bartalis Viktória Wixtra Expecto Patronum "Annie" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 75 Wéber Krisztina Mushu "Mushu" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 85 Ádám-Bökényi Bernadett Bellamie aus dem Bergischen "Mí" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 89 Juhászné Szoboszlay Erika Llanfarian Yes "Yes" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 102 Dr. Csanálosi Enikő Poseidon Elfmagic First Phoenix "First Phoenix" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 107 Kovács Krisztina Nico "Nico" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 111 Füzi Júlia Lucky Summer TNT Cinnamon "Tig" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 115 Osskó Krisztina Steinhart Stella "Debi" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 119 Oláh Eszter Morgans Magical Magyars "Naabi" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 121 Jelinek Zita Dynamic Drive Zip "Zip" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 122 Herendy Veronika Haru of Austrian Starlight "Haru" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 123 Káli Anita Poseidon Elfmagic Especial Cube "Cube" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 126 Horváth-Tóth Boglárka Dynamic Drive Icon "Eywa" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
NS 79 Biro Zsofi Köves-Bérci Betyár Falat "Kaija" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 ns
NS 106 Lapu Tamás Giya Black Runaway's de la Terre Sauvage "Perla" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 ns
NS 114 Csík Ildikó Alíz "Alíz" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 ns

V. Jumping M O

Course length : 201 m
Standard time : 43 s
Judge : Veres Zsuzsa
Max time : 80 s
0.00 m/s
Pl. St. Handler Dog Time F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Q. Sp.
1 20 Ács-Kövesi Ágnes Ike Hurricane from Golden Regia "Ike" 37.35 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 5.38
2 35 Fodor Csilla Pallisters Cosmopolitan "Fény" 38.77 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 5.18
3 29 Tompa Krisztina Ico "Ico" 39.51 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 5.09
4 31 Máthé Ágnes Köves-Bérci Betyár Fekete Felhő "Felhő" 40.42 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.97
5 33 Jäckl Anikó Questcock Baylee "Baylee" 41.12 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.89
6 21 Daróczi Orsi Espresso Piccolo Harisson "JAXX" 41.59 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.83
7 34 Fodor Lili Gulakuti Lóca "Panka" 41.67 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.82
8 1 Tóth Vivien Mixi "Mixi" 41.93 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.79
9 15 Havasi Zsolt Bogi "Bogi" 42.35 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.75
10 28 Tóth Vivien Béta's Hurricane Balance "Ensley" 42.42 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.74
11 26 Bögre András Luca "Luca" 42.53 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 4.73
12 30 Pirity Árpád Devil Black of Sprightliness "Demo" 43.29 0 0 0.29 0.29 v 4.64
13 18 Vicze Fanni Numa "Numa" 46.49 0 0 3.49 3.49 v 4.32
14 36 Burján Árpád Angyali Annie Lime "Pötty" 47.37 0 0 4.37 4.37 v 4.24
15 32 Maros Gergely Happy Shepherds Dance "Dance" 40.81 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 4.93
16 22 Edina Keskeny Köves-bérci Betyár Ejha "Mese" 41.04 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 4.90
17 25 Szabó Adrienne Fernando from Golden Regia "Nando" 41.42 1 0 0.00 5.00 v 4.85
18 23 Orbán Ágnes Golden Heart Sparks of the Tempest "Pötty" 45.44 0 1 2.44 7.44 sg 4.42
19 24 Sipőcz Barbara Kaley from Golden Regia "Kaley" 43.39 0 2 0.39 10.39 sg 4.63
20 3 Pirity Árpád Lion Blue of Sprightliness "Leon" 47.09 0 2 4.09 14.09 sg 4.27
21 27 Szakál Evelin Whirlwind Sasha Regenfield "Sasha" 41.08 2 1 0.00 15.00 sg 4.89
22 13 Végh Cecilia Joker "Joker" 54.50 0 1 11.50 16.50 g 3.69
DIS 5 Szappanos Petra Dakar Driver Harisson "Dakar" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 6 Rácz Beáta Tréfi "Tréfi" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 7 Magony Nikoletta Kassziopeia from Golden Regia "Kesszi" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 9 Bartha Zsófia Bogár "Bogár" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 10 Ficzere Csenge Köves-bérci Betyár Ötletes Rozi "Rozi" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 12 Fábián Mariann Freyja "Freyja" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 16 Szigeti Niki Lulu "Lulu" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 17 Gáti Katalin NAGYIREGI TIESTO "THEO" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis

V. Jumping S O

Course length : m
Standard time : 45 s
Judge : Veres Zsuzsa
Max time : s
0.00 m/s
Pl. St. Handler Dog Time F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Q. Sp.
1 48 Hajagos-Tóth Judit Blueberry Of Black Police Angel's Star "Muffin" 38.31 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
2 51 László Zsombor Honeybee at Small Swan "Kass" 39.67 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
3 55 Naggyőr Dalma Rolex in blue of Summergarden "Welle" 40.10 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
4 58 Molnár Tibor Dorka 40.98 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
5 45 Varga Éva Geronimo from Golden Regia "Gerka" 42.11 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
6 42 Tóth Vivien Diamond Starlight Daisy "Kelsi" 44.56 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 0.00
7 44 Orbánné Tóth Ágnes Nyuszi "Nyanya" 45.20 0 0 0.20 0.20 v 0.00
8 47 Biro Zsofi Crispy Cookie Cassovia Sunshine "Scilla" 46.16 0 0 1.16 1.16 v 0.00
9 57 Hazai Anita Bull Brother's Kamikaze "Csipisz" 48.96 0 0 3.96 3.96 v 0.00
10 49 Korcz Nikolett Csöppnyi Sheltie Athéné "Panna" 41.91 1 1 0.00 10.00 sg 0.00
11 50 László Réka Prince of Sunlight X'Lyn "Lyn" 50.90 0 1 5.90 10.90 sg 0.00
12 53 Wéber Krisztina Stormy Devil's Ariel "Ariel" 49.64 0 2 4.64 14.64 sg 0.00
DIS 40 Kovács Ágnes Persy Slovakia Lutra "Mani" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 46 Varga Attila Cora Slovakia Lutra "Sonic" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 52 Farkas Katalin Powder Puff Tiara "Tia" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 54 Ray Brigitta Auricula Sinistra Čáry Máry fuk "Sinistra" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 56 Urbán Judit Elfy Black of Sprightliness "Cinke" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis