Open agility I. S S O

Course length : 207 m
Standard time : 47 s
Judge : Balogh-Nagy Réka
Max time : 94 s
0.00 m/s
Pl. St. Handler Dog Time F. Ref. Tif. Tf. Q. Sp.
1 22 Fekete Dóra Escoliar D'Oro Heimdall "Tyler" 40.58 0 0 0.00 0.00 v 5.10
2 21 Halász Ildikó Djiny Bergerac de Hu "Djiny" 49.24 0 0 2.24 2.24 v 4.20
3 23 Kuti Péter Prince of Sunlight Daring Blue "Nico" 38.09 0 1 0.00 5.00 v 5.43
4 1 Berta József Pötyi "Pötyi" 68.70 1 0 21.70 26.70 nc 3.01
DIS 13 Lóránth Sándor Prince of Sunlight Black Diamond "Spock" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 25 Dobi Diana OrangeKingdom Caramell Kiss Dasha 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis
DIS 26 Halász Ildikó Neela Bergerac de Hu "Nini" 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 dis